this year we are proud to support the Bahama Village Music Program
The Bahama Village Music Program, a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 charitable organization, was launched in 1999 with the mission of bringing free musical education and instruction to children aged 6 and up in the Key West community. BVMP is more than just an educational institution, the program creates a great sense of community spirit and pride, fosters important mentor relationships between local teenage musicians and their students, encourages parent participation, and enhances student’s self-esteem. Our target community, Bahama Village, is rich in cultural history and community involvement, inspiring our students to become not only better musicians, but also better human beings. Bahama Village Music Program’s mission is to provide quality music education to children who would otherwise not have access to private music instruction.
Diamond Sponsors:
Sponsors that donate $700 or more will get 1 table at the show (4 seats), logo recognition in the program + in all marketing materials as well as special mention at the event, and a half page ad in one edition of Key West Music Magazine
Platinum Sponsors:
Sponsors that donate $500 will get logo recognition in all marketing as well as the in the program. And a table for four at the awards show.
Gold Sponsors:
Sponsors that give between $101 – $499 will get logo/name recognition all marketing as well as in the program